Tips for Winterizing your Electrical System

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Performing electrical maintenance in the cooler months is important to ensure the safety and reliability of your electrical systems. Here are some electrical maintenance tips for the winter season:


  • Trim your trees that could potentially have branches come in contact with your electrical lines. Ice and snow can weigh down branches, causing them to snap. 
  • In case of a power outage, consider getting a whole house or portable generator installed. 
  • Be cautious with using space heaters because faulty wiring or damaged cords can cause a short circuit or become a fire hazard.
  • Consider getting a surge protector installed on your panel to protect your appliances and devices from an electrical surge from a winter storm. 
  • Make sure outdoor outlets are covered so they are protected from rain and snow.
  • Having extra exterior lighting such as floodlights, landscape lighting, and sconces can brighten up the exterior of your home and yard. 


Always remember to reach out to a licensed electrician if you have any questions.